Refund Policies
Refund policies for each program are listed below. If you have any questions about these policies please contact the club treasurer.
Learn to Skate
We will refund tuition if your child decides not to participate but we will retain a prorated fee. We will also prorate tuition for late registrations.
Learn to Play Hockey
We will refund tuition if your child decides not to participate but we will retain a prorated fee. We will also prorate tuition for late registrations.
Travel (Mites thru Bantams)
If you choose not to participate in the 2025-2026 season with NAYHL and notify us by April 15th, you may be entitled to a refund, but we will retain a tryout fee of $100 per player. Refunds after April 15th are handled on a case-by-case basis and are voted on by the board.
Select Travel Hockey
The tryout fee is a non-refundable deposit on the season.
Fall High School Hockey
Refunds are handled on a case-by-case basis. This program is run at break-even so refunds after the cost is set are difficult.
Summer Skills and Skating
We will refund your tuition if you decide not to participate by June 1st (less a $50 convenience fee).
Coaches League
No refunds...
Summer Street Hockey
We will provide a refund if you choose not to participate but we will charge a $25 convenience fee.
There is a non-refundable registration fee of $50. Tuition will be based on the number of kids registered at each level.
Friends of NAYH
There is no cost for this program so there is no refund policy.